You have no doubt seen the television ads reminding the world that this the 60th anniversary of Israel. Of course, that takes a
little explaining. It is the 60th anniversary of the modern state of Israel. On this, the second night of Passover, I checked the
date of the Jewish calendar and found at that it is the 15 Nissan, 5768. This is 6 millennia with 232 more years before the 7th.
I've just been doing some simple arithmetic. It tell me that Jesus was born somewhere around the Jewish year 3660.
You and I will not be around to greet the 7th millennium of the Promised Land. THEREFORE, we better go celebrate this 60th. It's got to be a good time. Israel will be all decked out, and there is bound to be a lot of security to be sure that the flood of outsiders will get the best possible adventure from their visit.
I has been a while since I last dropped you a line. We were busy early this year because Easter came before the end of March.

But this is our chance to take advantage of a festive time to go to Israel. It is a good time to visit the Land of the Lord in order to get to know more about Him and to give Him a change to massage our personal lives. Everything we know about him we have been absording for some 2100 years. But those 2100 years have been and are still being fed from those 3660 years previous. There is one way that we can go to verify the impact of the accumulation of the 5768 years...We go feel the 6000 year old geography crunching under our feet. We go float on the 6000 year old water that supported Jesus and his forebears for over 36 centuries. We feel the influence of the Persians, the Syrians, the Greeks and the Romans while we are breathing the air of the Holy Land.
The beauty of being in the Holy Land is not only that we learn a lot, but that we feel a lot. Once we get out of the airport, we start getting the message. It is evident that from that point on, life as we know it will change, and for the better.
So come join us. Come listen to God and to His Land. Click here for more details. Read the form, print our the back page and send your commitment in to the agent. You are guaranteed to start feeling God steering your boat to Lake Tiberias.
If you want live information, you can call Paul Dion at (925) 784-0079 or the agent whose telephone number appears on the back page of the form.