Jesus was born some 8 miles from here. Could there be any doubt that this wonderfully green ground was around when Jesus was about this age? Not really since this valley has been mentioned in tghe Bible several times. Its history is not always very pretty, but its existence as a community gathering place cannot be disputed. Since Jesus was no doubt living in Nazareth at the age of these youngsters, He would perhaps have visited this valley during the annual pilgrimage that the Holy Family made to Jerusalem to pray at the Temple.
The picture on the left shows some of what is left of the main street in Bethsaida, the home town of Peter, just 7 or 8 kilometers from Nazareth. Bethsaida, 2,000 years ago was on the shore of Lake Galilee. Now it is removed from the Lake by 3 kilometers. If you want to listen to Jesus talking to you through the very stones upon which He set foot, this is the place. It is impossible to remain objective in this holy place. The Spirit is powerful here and He has a message for everyone.
The words that we hear in church at every Mass come to us as a habit and we don't often pay deep attention. In Bethsaida, our habits don't get in the way. Here, the power of Jesus takes over and the stones themselves shout out His glory.